Logo & contact info on GCSASC website “sponsorship” page, including link to sponsor website
Listing and access to online Membership Directory
Logo signage at specified GCSASC meetings and events
Full two pages (inside and back cover or full two page spread) ad in all magazine issues (four publications per year) (provided by sponsor)
Four email blasts per year (one per quarter) (provided by sponsor)
Opportunity to bring in own speaker for one meeting, topic of choice (per GCSASC Board approval)
Complimentary meetings for affiliate members (with registration of $300 or less, excludes Tri-Chapter Event, Scholarship & Research Tournament and Duff Shaw Classic)
Complimentary meetings for invited superintendent per affiliate member (with registration of $300 or less, excludes Tri-Chapter Event, Scholarship & Research Tournament, Duff Shaw Classic)
Tee or Green Sponsor at all events, including Scholarship & Research Tournament and Duff Shaw (per course approval) Excludes Tri-Chapter event. (Hole-in-One/Closest to Pin/Long Drive, etc. not included, may be purchased separately)
Complimentary foursome at S&R Tournament
Complimentary foursome at Duff Shaw Classic
Opportunity to be title sponsor at S&R Tournament including tee gift may be purchased separately. First right of refusal for title sponsorship.
Diamond Sponsor ($9,000)
Three Affiliate memberships
Logo & contact info on GCSASC website “sponsorship” page, including link to sponsor website
Listing and access to online Membership Directory
Logo signage at specified GCSASC meetings and events
Full page (one page) ad in all magazine issues (four publications per year) (provided by sponsor)
Four email blasts per year (one per quarter) (provided by sponsor)
Opportunity to bring in own speaker for one meeting, topic of choice (per GCSASC Board approval)
Three complimentary meetings per affiliate member (with registration of $300 or less, excludes Tri-Chapter Event, Scholarship & Research Tournament and Duff Shaw Classic)
Three complimentary meetings for invited superintendent per affiliate member (with registration of $300 or less, excludes Tri-Chapter Event, Scholarship & Research Tournament, Duff Shaw Classic)
Tee or Green Sponsor at all events, including Scholarship & Research Tournament and Duff Shaw (per course approval). Excludes Tri-Chapter Event. (Hole-in-One/Closest to Pin/Long Drive, etc. not included, may be purchased separately).
Complimentary foursome at S&R Tournament
Titanium Sponsor ($6,000)
Two Affiliate memberships
Logo & contact info on GCSASC website “sponsorship” page, including link to sponsor website
Listing and access to online Membership Directory
Logo signage at specified GCSASC meetings and events
Half page ad in all magazine issues (four publications per year) (provided by sponsor)
Two email blasts per year (provided by sponsor)
Two complimentary meetings per affiliate member (with registration of $300 or less, excludes Tri-Chapter Event, Scholarship & Research Tournament and Duff Shaw Classic)
Two complimentary meetings for invited superintendent per affiliate member (with registration of $300 or less, excludes Tri-Chapter Event, Scholarship & Research Tournament, Duff Shaw Classic)
Tee or Green Sponsor at all events, including Scholarship & Research Tournament and Duff Shaw (per course approval). Excludes Tri-Chapter event. (Hole-in-One/Closest to Pin/Long Drive, etc. not included, may be purchased separately).
Complimentary twosome at S&R Tournament
Gold Sponsor ($4,000)
One Affiliate membership
Logo & contact info on GCSASC website “sponsorship” page, including link to sponsor website
Listing and access to online Membership Directory
Logo signage at specified GCSASC meetings and events
Half Page ad in all magazine issues (four publications per year) (provided by sponsor)
One complimentary meeting per affiliate member (with registration of $300 or less, does not include Scholarship & Research Tournament or Duff Shaw)
One complimentary meeting for invited superintendent per affiliate member (with registration of $300 or less, does not include Scholarship & Research Tournament, Duff Shaw or Tri-Chapter event)
Tee or Green Sponsor at all events, including Scholarship & Research Tournament and Duff Shaw (per course approval). Excludes Tri-Chapter Event, (Hole-in-One/Closest to Pin/Long Drive, etc. not included, may be purchased separately).
Silver Sponsor ($2,000)
One Affiliate membership
Logo & contact info on GCSASC website “sponsorship” page, including link to sponsor website
Listing and access to online Membership Directory
Logo signage at specified GCSASC meetings and events
Quarter page ad in all magazine issues (four publications per year) (provided by sponsor)
One complimentary meeting per affiliate member (with registration of $300 or less, excludes Tri-Chapter Event, Scholarship & Research Tournament and Duff Shaw Classic)
One complimentary meeting for invited superintendent per affiliate member (with registration of $300 or less, excludes Tri-Chapter Event, Scholarship & Research Tournament, Duff Shaw Classic)
Driving Range Sponsor at Scholarship & Research and Duff Shaw Classic
Bronze Sponsor ($1,000)
One Affiliate membership
Logo & contact info on GCSASC website “sponsorship” page, including link to sponsor website
Listing and access to online Membership Directory
Logo signage at specified GCSASC meetings and events
Quarter page ad in all magazine issues (four publications per year) (provided by sponsor)
Golf Course Superintendents Association of Southern California is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization • 49-950 Jefferson St., Ste. 130 #203, Indio, CA. 92201 • Phone Number: (760) 397-7944