In order to qualify for financial assistance through the GCSASC Benevolence Fund:

  • Applicant must be a golf course superintendent, assistant golf course superintendent or an individual employed by a company or organization that services the golf course management industry or a dependent of above, and be a GCSASC member or family of a GCSASC member.
  • To request financial assistance through the GCSASC Benevolence Fund, the applicant must have a relationship with the GCSASC and be in good standing.

Person/Family in Need

First Name: ________________________________________________________

Last Name: ________________________________________________________

Mailing address:


Relationship to the Golf Industry:


Employment Status (circle): Full, Part, Self, Retired, Unemployed, Collecting Social Security, Disabled, other: Current or Last Place of Employment:


Current or Last Employment Title:


Other employment history (brief):


Does the individual have medical insurance? Y/N If yes, out of pocket max:


Is there a GoFundMe/Caring Bridge account set up in their name?


Is there a fundraiser planned for the family?


How much money is needed? _______________

Please describe the situation of need:


Application Submitted by:

First Name: _________________________________________________

Last Name: _________________________________________________

Email Address: ______________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________________________________

Please submit request via email to, it will be sent to the Benevolence Committee. They will use the information provided to deem the extent of the need and funding source. All information will be kept confidential.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the GCSASC at the above email address or phone 760-397-7944.

Golf Course Superintendents Association of Southern California is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization • 49-950 Jefferson St., Ste. 130 #203, Indio, CA. 92201 • Phone Number: (760) 397-7944

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